New Family

Excitement ran through every body’s mind as we were on our way to adopt a baby girl our baby cousin Adriana to be exact.We were on our way to Africa to meet her so we could adopt her from our aunt.
When we arrived in Africa we meat my aunt at a restaurant from there we went to the orphanage where Adriana had been staying when we got inside we went into this little room and there we had to sit and do paper work,the paper work took about 3 1/2 hours to do it took almost a week for the adoption papers to go through.when we got Adriana my Grandma wouldn’t let her go,and then we had to fly home. On our way home we new that we were blessed to have Adriana back,after all that time she barely remembered us her 2 sisters and her 2 brothers.When we got home every body planned a big party,they had pictures of Adriana before she got put up for adoption,Adriana got so many new outfits and toys that we barely had room for them.
every body was so exited to have Adriana back,nobody had seen her or even heard from her in 8 months sowe were starting to get a little worried,up until now.After we got all the girts put away Adriana was sitting in the floor and out of no where she looks up at all of us and studders”You New Family”

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